Label: "fiscal policy"

matolcsy györgy
July 26, 2021 16:44

Hungary chief fears restart of economy will fizzle out

Matolcsy slams cabinet for focus on construction instead of 'smart' projects

June 22, 2021 10:40

György Matolcsy's warning and the return of fiscal alcoholism

There's a job for monetary policy too

matolcsy gyorgy koltsegvetes hadjarat 210621
June 21, 2021 16:35

Cenbank chief to start campaign against potential "powerful financial attack" against Hungary

Overly high 2022 budget gap is the main enemy, says Matolcsy

varga mihaly penzügyminisztérium
May 10, 2021 14:30

"If we want to overtake on the bend, we have to step on the gas harder" - Hungary's Finance Minister

Mihály Varga on budget, recovery, pandemic, dispute with Fiscal Council, euro adoption

magyar lengyel cseh
December 04, 2020 16:01

CEE to put a cap on spending in 2021, monetary policy normalisation remains distant prospect

Fitch Solutions expects monetary, fiscal policy to remain accommodative, with limited room for easing

koronavírus járvány piac
March 27, 2020 17:10

Time to wake up! Hungary's budget deficit will surge, the only question is how dramatically

Economy is freezing up, while government is only pussyfooting

európai bizottság_getty_stock
February 26, 2020 17:30

Commission says Hungary is doing OK for now, but it will have to do better later

Education and R&D should receive more funding

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